Monday, July 8, 2013

Day 1 Gratitude

The first habit I have chosen to develop is gratitude. This is not a new idea. It may even be tired. But I think it is an important one, especially in this early stage, because hopefully it will build some strong roots, some whys, some loves.

I will be listing a few things every day that I am grateful for. I will list them here in order to stay accountable.

Here goes!

1. I am grateful for my new little one. When I go to her in the morning, her eyes grow wide and she gives me the biggest toothless grin. She truly lights up my life.

2. I am grateful for hubby's foot massages. Tonight he got a particular spot up near my pinky toe that cracked a little and felt oh so good.

3. I am grateful for new summer clothing. Being a new mom is tough, with a uniform made up primarily of pjs and sweats. Seeing new clothing in the closet is inspiring me to get dressed and go out more often, a small but important step in sanity maintenance.

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