Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 5 Gratitude

Today I am grateful.

1. I am feeling an overwhelming degree of gratitude towards our daughter right now. Our little one is amazing. Of course I am biased. Of course I would say nothing but the best of my child. But, I actually really mean it. Her main temperaments are: super chill or big smiles. Sure we have had a few trying times, but nothing that doesn't pass quickly. She sleeps from 11:30 to 6:30 every night, give or take 30 minutes. I try hard not to brag too much, especially around those I know are having the all-too-common sleep issues. I keep quiet, but inside, I am so proud. Feeling so much love right now.

2. Board game night with friends. hanging out, getting to know each other better. ps. I won!

3. Friends pets. I have never had a pet, except for fish when I was a kid. They didn't last long, though. But I always enjoy friends pets. It's also really cool to see how our little one responds to them.

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