Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Day 7 Gratitude

I've been running into a lot of articles lately regarding habits, gratitude, and happiness. The Habits of Happiness posted at Zen Habits is especially timely. One of my favourite feel-good blogs, he lists gratefulness as one of four essential habits in his life. The others include "help someone," "Meditate," and "Exercise." These are core habits. In developing them, other habits will fall into place more easily. It is interesting to look at this goal in a more long-term perspective. It is also scary. But that's a whole other ballgame.

I'm so happy to be falling into these articles. So much motivation.

Today I'm grateful for:

1. Taking the little one for a walk. Sometimes we don't get out too much. Our family shares one car, which hubs often takes to work, so going out becomes a huge ordeal. But going out for walks is nice. Little one loves being outside and today was just beautiful.

2. Songza! Especially the Sweet Lullabies playlist. It has come to my aid a number of times now. The best thing about this playlist - I actually enjoy a lot of the songs! They are not too baby-ish.

3. Eggs. I had to give up dairy because the little one appears to have a sensitivity to milk proteins. I realize eggs are also high up on the list of possible sensitivities, but I went for it today. A bit of an experiment perhaps? I forgot all about my previous addiction to grilled cheese because egg on toast made the perfect quick lunch today. If it goes okay, I may graduate to egg on toast... with bacon! and tomato! and avocado! Delicious.

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