Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 2 Gratitude

I always love how when you start thinking about something, it begins to show up everywhere. After deciding that gratitude would be the first habit I wanted to develop, this beautiful article showed up via a train of random blogs.

Like the writer of this article, I too have been writing a lot of thank you notes recently. This past year I both got married and had a baby and the amount of gifts we have received has been overwhelming. But it has also been wonderful. Gifts have a way of bringing people closer together; I have been constantly amazed by how many people have reached out, even people we hardly know. This sort of kindness is most certainly contagious. I used to believe that gift giving is a little artificial, but I have a different attitude about it now. I don't believe gifts are an obligatory gesture, but rather a simple way to share the joy.

I'd like to come back to this article often as I walk through this goal, this goal of "counting blessings rather than sheep."

Today I am grateful for:

1. Good old fashioned hand-written, snail-mailed thank you notes. What a beautiful tradition.

2. Sunny summer mornings, the sun pouring in through the windows, the kitchen floor warmed by the sun, warming my feet.

3. Hubbies after shower smell.

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